
My Name is

Umang Kanchan



My skills and services that i can work upon.

Web Designing

I can create beautiful and interactive responsive web-pages using HTML, CSS and JavaScript . They include everything it needs to build a beautiful web-page and of course it will be responsive so open it on your pc or smartphone

Web Development

I am a full stack web developer so I can deal in both front-end and back-end web development. I have a good knowledge of nodejs, Express, MongoDB, and learning ReactJS.

Recent Projects

Project 1

Notes Maker

This is a note maker made with JavaScript, basic HTML and CSS . You can add a Title and write notes, it saves the data into the localStorage, automatically adds the date and Action to your notes


Project 2

Dance Website

A Website named Umang Dance Academy, a Website for a dance academy made with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, it uses nodeJS, Express, MongoDB, Mongoose to save dave data filled by the user to the database.It's a responsive Website.


Project 3

News App

This App is created Using React JS. This Uses News API to fetch latest News from the Server and populate it on the screen.It allows both light and dark modes


Project 4

Text Manipulator

This is a Text Manipulating App created using React JS, User Enters text and may perform operations like converting into upper or lower or sentence cases or remove spaces etc, It works on Dark as well as Light mode.


Project 5

Food Ordering Website

This is a food ordering Website made with HTML and CSS. This is responsive and was my first project ever.


Other Projects

Covid Plotter

Plotting on World map on the basis of covid-19 cases. It's not a live plotter but it is made from Javascript and plots the cases recorded in a JSON file


Spotify clone Webpage

This is a clone webpage of Spotify. This is responsive


Museum of Candy

This is a practice webpage for a Museum of candies. It is made with HTML, CSS, JS, Bootstrap , it's responsive


Digital Clock

This is basic digital Clock made from html, css javascript, and bootstrap.


Netflix Clone

This is a clone Website of Netflix. This is responsive.


About me

Hello, I'm Umang and I'm a

I am pursuing Master of Computer Applications (MCA) from Jawaharlal Nehru University New Delhi. I have a good knowledge of programming languages like C,C++,Javascript. I started Web Development during Covid times and have made many front-end web Applications.My aim to become an efficient Software Developer.

Hire Me

Contact info


+91 7906489858




New Delhi, India